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Stevon Lucero
Original Oil Paintings

Stevon Lucero had been painting for over fifty years before he passed in November 2022. Since childhood, he experienced lucid dreams and visions and ventured more then once into separate realities. Through these revelations and studies of metaphysical, philosophical, and historical media, he had been guided to create two unique art forms: Metarealism and Neo-Precolumbian or Aztec art. Stevon was on a spiritual journey. More than a visual artist he was in truth, a philosopher artist. Each painting reflected a metaphor of his own internal dialogue between himself and God. Each piece tells a story in which the ultimate intent and value lies in the future when people will have a greater understanding and appreciation for true spiritual art.
Stevon Lucero at MetaStudio in Denver, CO
call Arlette at 720-425-3515
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